Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Last Reading Day...

I just got back from Tabby's school and walked into an empty house! I am NEVER EVER EVER alone so this is REALLY strange! LOL I don't even remember the last time I was ALONE. Anyway, school ends next Friday so today was my last day volunteering in Tabby's room. Every other Tuesday I would come in to read to the kids and Kevin would do alternating Tuesday's. Then we stayed and had lunch with Tabby and her class in the cafeteria. I really treasure these days. I know not all schools and not all years will I have the opportunity to do this and I am delighted to tears that I am fortunate enough to be able to come into her class and spend some time with Tabby at school. They are growing up so fast and my Tabby will be in second grade soon. I looked at all those little first graders and they are still so little and sweet. But these days are turning so quickly into weeks into months into years and I need to step back and enjoy them. Tabby is such a sweet light in my life. I thank God so much for letting me be her mom. I am so fortunate to be able to spend time with each of my girls. My heart is so full of love for my family. A lady in the lunch room told me she asked Tabby if she ever had a bad day and her answer was "No!" That's my Joyful Tabby! SO FULL of JOY and LOVE and LIFE!!!!! Well.... everyone's home now... back to real life! ;)

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